2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Criminal Justice (CJS)

CJS 200  Introduction to Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

The study of systematic analysis of the functions, of the police, courts, and corrections in dealing, with, lawbreakers with emphasis on basic theories and, empirical research findings. This course can be, fulfilled by, approved criminal justice training certification, and/or work experience. Approval required from, department and, Registrar.

CJS 200H  Introduction to Criminal Justice Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the course professor. Introduction to Criminal, Justice (Honors) studies the systematic analysis, of the functions of the police, courts, and, corrections in dealing with lawbreakers with, emphasis on basic theories and empirical research, findings.

CJS 220  Juvenile Delinquency  (3 Credits)  

Systematic analysis of juvenile delinquency as a major social problem in American society with emphasis on the prevention and control of delinquency, the cause of delinquency, and the treatment of juveniles in the juvenile justice system. Introduces and analyzes classical works and empirical findings.

CJS 220H  Juvenile Delinquency Honors  (3 Credits)  

his course is designated as honors course and will, require additional coursework as assigned by the, course professor. Juvenile Delinquency (Honors), focuses on systematic analysis of juvenile, delinquency as a major social problem in American, society with emphasis on the, prevention and control of delinquency, the cause, of delinquency, and the treatment of, juveniles in the juvenile justice system., Introduces and analyzes classical works and, empirical findings.

CJS 225  Law Enforcement  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the police as an official societal, agency of social control. Provides understanding, of the role of the, police in reducing and promoting crime. Surveys, the organization of police departments, as well as, the, recruitment and socialization of police officers., This course can be fulfilled by approved criminal, justice training, certification and/or work experience. Approval, required from department and Registrar.

CJS 225H  Law Enforcement Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the course professor. Law enforcementfocuses, (Honors) on the police as an official societal, agencyof social control. Provides understanding of, the role of the police in reducing and, promoting crime. Surveys the organization of, police departments, as well as the, recruitment and socialization of police officers.

CJS 230  Introduction to Corrections  (3 Credits)  

Examines various attempts to control crime and, delinquency by diverting the potential and actual, offender into, law abiding activities. Provides a better, understanding of contemporary correctional, activities in the United, States through historical and cross cultural, information about formal and informal legal and, extra-legal and, institutional and community based programs. This, course can be fulfilled by approved criminal, justice training, certification and/or work experience. Approval, required from department and Registrar.

CJS 230H  Honors Introduction to Corrections  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course andwill, require additional coursework as assigned by the, course professor. Introduction to correction, (Honors) examines various attempts to control, crime and delinquencyby diverting the potential, and actual offender into law abiding, activities. Provides a better understanding of, contemporary correctional activities in the, United States through historical and, cross-cultural information about formal and, informal, legal and extra-legal and institutional and, community-based programs.

CJS 310  Criminology  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the scientific study of criminal behavior in contemporary industrial urban societies. Systematic attention is given to social, economic, and cultural factors associated with the causes of crime, prevention and control of crimes and treatment of criminals. Presents a systematic analysis of classical theories, innovative strategies, and empirical studies.

Prerequisites: Take CJS-200.

CJS 310H  Criminology Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the, course professor. Criminology (Honors) focuses on, the scientific study of criminal behaviorin, contemporary industrial urban societies., Systematic attention is given to social, economic,, and cultural factors associated with the causes of, crime, prevention and control of crimes, and treatmentof criminals. Presents a systematic, analysis of classical theories, innovative, strategies and empirical studies.

Prerequisites: Take CJS-200.

CJS 313  American Ct Systems Honors  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the operation of the judicial court system with emphasis on the police, agents of the FBI, the Treasury Department, and other agencies, the prosecutor, the courts, and institutions, special treatment programs, and probation and parole offices. Analysis of problems in the administration of justice, such as overcrowding, delays, discrimination, and the role of negotiations in the sentencing process.

CJS 313H  American Ct Systems Honors  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the operation of the judicial court system with emphasis on the police, agents of the FBI, the Treasury Department, and other agencies, the prosecutor, the courts, and institutions, special treatment programs, and probation and parole offices. Analysis of problems in the administration of justice, such as overcrowding, delays, discrimination, and the role of negotiations in the sentencing process.

CJS 315  Sociology of Drug Usage  (3 Credits)  

Examines facts and theories of drug usage in different cultures, focuses primary attention on contemporary U.S. Includes medical aspects of different kinds of drugs and psychological effects, legal aspects of the origins of criminal drug laws and the consequences of drug use; epidemiological aspects of the sociopsychological factors as to why persons use and abuse drugs; and control aspects including prevention and rehabilitation programs.

CJS 340  Cybercrime  (3 Credits)  

Introduces students to the criminal justice aspects of cybersecurity. Examines theoretical frameworks and methods of investigation. This 300-level Cybercrime course offers students studying criminal justice an understanding of the new frontier in which cyber-victims and cyber-perpetrators exist.

CJS 401  Environmental Crime & Justice  (3 Credits)  

This course analyzes the impact of environmental, crimes. The role of the criminal justice system in, addressing environmental infractions is , outlined. A sociological understanding of crime is, used to understand these inequities.

CJS 402  Women in the Criminal Justice System  (3 Credits)  

This course provides a critical analysis of women, in the criminal justice system. A sociological, frame provides the context for examining the , issue of gender inequality as it relates to the, concept of justice for women in the criminal, justice system.

CJS 492  Topics in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Examines the gender differences in criminal behavior, victimization, and criminal justice processing, emphasizing the unique experiences of racial minorities in these areas.

CJS 492L  Special Topic: Women Crim Just System  (3 Credits)  

Research development activities for graduate students.

CJS 492M  Special Topic: Environ Crime & Justice  (3 Credits)  

Provides a critical analysis of environmental crime and justice. A sociological understanding of crime provides the context for examining the issues of environmental equity and implications for the criminal justice system.

CJS 571  Youth Crime, and the School  (3 Credits)  

The role of school experiences in the etiology of juvenile crime has been debated for a long time. Recent incidents of violence occurring on school grounds have increased concern for the safety of students. The response of schools to violence, drug abuse, and other crimes will be examined to identify programs that have been successful in reducing youth crime.

CJS 575  Legal Aspects of Juvenile Justice  (3 Credits)  

Juvenile justice has made a distinction between criminal and status offenses. Courts have recognized this distinction in specifying the rights of juveniles when violating cultural norms. The course examines legal policies affecting youth including their transference to criminal courts. Procedures in the United States are compared to those in other societies.

CJS 590  Readings in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

This is an intensive and directed reading course in criminal justice.

CJS 592F  Sp Top: Dis Min Ctct & Ctvr Iss Juv Just  (3 Credits)  

See department for specific course information.

CJS 592L  Special Topics: Women in the Criminal Justice System  (3 Credits)  

Contact the department for specific course information.

CJS 592M  Spec Tpcs: Environ Crime & Justice  (3 Credits)  

See department for specific course information.

CJS 601  Systems of Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the traditional model of criminal justice in the United States by comparing it to criminal justice systems of selected other countries. The course also introduces a restorative justice model as an alternative to the adversarial system currently followed by most jurisdictions.

CJS 607  Minorities in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Although minorities are disproportionately over-represented in arrests, conviction, and incarcerations, they are disproportionately under-represented among criminal justice practitioners. This course examines theories advanced to account for and methods offered to alter these figures.

CJS 610  Theories of Crime and Delinquency  (3 Credits)  

A number of theories of crime and delinquency have been developed from a variety of perspectives including biological, psychological, sociological, feminist, and conflict. This course addresses the major ideas offered to explain criminal behavior. Similarities and differences between the theories are noted. Criteria for evaluating the usefulness of a theory are identified.

CJS 611  Admin of Criminal Justice Organizations  (3 Credits)  

This course rests upon the premise that criminal justice agencies need to apply sound principles of organizational management in order to be efficient. The course studies how corporate and public administration techniques may be applied to criminal justice agencies.

CJS 612  Strategic Planning for Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Increasingly, criminal justice practitioners recognize the importance of planning and preparing for criminal situations before they occur. This course examines ways to use current information to plan for the future in structuring organizations, setting priorities, and identifying resources needed to be more effective.

CJS 613  Community Policing  (3 Credits)  

Recently, police departments have adopted techniques to bring community citizens and police officers closer together so that by working together crime may be reduced. This course compares different models of community policing and techniques for evaluating their impact.

CJS 616  Restorative Justice  (3 Credits)  

Restorative justice recognizes that any response to crime should bring victims and offenders to reconciliation in which a sense of community is re-established. A number of theoretical perspectives exist within this broad framework. The course introduces techniques of mediation and other methods of restorative justice.

CJS 618  Legal Issues in Cj Management  (3 Credits)  

This course focuses on the examination and analysis of legal implications and challenges of criminal justice management decisions, policies, programs, and the roles of the criminal justice manager.

CJS 644  Research Methods in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Information about criminal behavior shapes theories and responses to crime. Therefore, it is important to develop valid and reliable data which can be used to understand criminal justice issues. Standards for obtaining and evaluating empirical data are articulated in this course.

CJS 645  Quantitative Analysis in Cj  (3 Credits)  

Quantitative data are the backbones of theory testing and organizational decision making. This course identifies statistical databases and introduces analytical techniques to produce meaningful information. Skills with computer applications are developed.

CJS 650  Criminal Justice Policy Analysis  (3 Credits)  

Scientific based facts are essential for sound criminal justice policies. At the same time, such policies reflect political forces in society. This course examines procedures for analyzing how policies are enacted and implemented by focusing on specific case studies.

CJS 651  Criminal Justice Ethics  (3 Credits)  

Any system of justice must acknowledge the importance of an ethical foundation. This course studies different paradigms of ethical behavior and procedures that may be followed if unethical acts occur. The course recognizes that all citizens, not just criminal justice professionals, must address ethical principles.

CJS 660  Crime Victims and Victim Services  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to some of the important issues and controversies concerning victims of crime. Students will develop an appreciation for the victimization experience by studying the major perspectives concerning the roles of victims in criminal events and the criminal justice system, the provision of services to crime victims, and the importance of power related to crime victims. The course will examine crime victims in the United States and other countries.

CJS 665  Criminal Justice Internship  (3 Credits)  

Students will perform various duties in agencies and organizations active in criminal justice. An agency supervisor and the internship supervisor will direct each student in mastering relevant skills to complete the tasks associated with a significant position in the internship agency. During the internships each student will be considered a quasi-working member of the agency.

CJS 672  Policing and Adjudicating Juveniles  (3 Credits)  

The course considers the advantages and disadvantages of special youth bureaus in police departments. Further consideration is given to the structure and procedures of juvenile justice.

CJS 674  Juvenile Corrections and Treatment  (3 Credits)  

The philosophy of protecting juveniles has been the traditional perspective of the United States. Consequently, rehabilitation rather than punishment has been the objective in responding to juvenile delinquents. Changing perspectives on youth have brought about more punitive responses to young criminals, however. The conflict between corrections and treatment is considered in how societies seek justice for juveniles.

CJS 676  Juvenile Delinquency & Justice System  (3 Credits)  

Examines the meaning of the concept of juvenile delinquency as a separate entity in the criminal justice system. The course also surveys youth victimization and offending patterns and analyzes the diverse theoretical explanations of delinquency.

CJS 678  Juvenile Offenders and Youth Gangs  (3 Credits)  

Juvenile delinquency has come to be almost synonymous with gang membership. Yet, there is some question about the prevalence of juvenile gangs and their criminality. The course examines gangs throughout history and traces their structures using research-based facts explicating the importance of youth gangs in society.

CJS 681  Youth and Society  (3 Credits)  

This course introduces students to some of the important issues and controversies concerning youth in society. The course will examine youth in the United States and other countries. The basic point of view is that youth is a social construct reflecting both social structural and cultural influences. This course examines how the roles of youth are defined for different age groups and cultures. The emphasis is on understanding how societal factors influence youthful behavior for conformity and deviance.

CJS 689  Gender, Crime, and Justice  (3 Credits)  

Examination of gender issues within the criminal justice system. This course focuses on women as offenders, prisoners, victims, and survivors of crime and as professionals.

CJS 690  Independent Study in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Students under faculty guidance analyze specific areas of interest in criminal justice.

CJS 699  Thesis  (6 Credits)  

Students in this course will design and conduct original criminal or juvenile justice research under the guidance of a faculty committee. The final, written report will present the research problem, theoretical rationale, methodology, results, and interpretation with policy implications as appropriate. An approved thesis proposal is required as a prerequisite to this course. Permission of instructor is required.

CJS 750  Continuing Registration  (0 Credits)  

To allow Criminal Justice graduate students who have completed course work to remain in good standing while working on their thesis or comprehensive examination.

CJS 752  Comprehensive Examination  (0 Credits)  

This course is required for all students taking the comprehensive examination. Students should register for the course the semester they intend to sit for the comprehensive examination.

CJS 200  Introduction to Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

The study of systematic analysis of the functions, of the police, courts, and corrections in dealing, with, lawbreakers with emphasis on basic theories and, empirical research findings. This course can be, fulfilled by, approved criminal justice training certification, and/or work experience. Approval required from, department and, Registrar.

CJS 200H  Introduction to Criminal Justice Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the course professor. Introduction to Criminal, Justice (Honors) studies the systematic analysis, of the functions of the police, courts, and, corrections in dealing with lawbreakers with, emphasis on basic theories and empirical research, findings.

CJS 220  Juvenile Delinquency  (3 Credits)  

Systematic analysis of juvenile delinquency as a major social problem in American society with emphasis on the prevention and control of delinquency, the cause of delinquency, and the treatment of juveniles in the juvenile justice system. Introduces and analyzes classical works and empirical findings.

CJS 220H  Juvenile Delinquency Honors  (3 Credits)  

his course is designated as honors course and will, require additional coursework as assigned by the, course professor. Juvenile Delinquency (Honors), focuses on systematic analysis of juvenile, delinquency as a major social problem in American, society with emphasis on the, prevention and control of delinquency, the cause, of delinquency, and the treatment of, juveniles in the juvenile justice system., Introduces and analyzes classical works and, empirical findings.

CJS 225  Law Enforcement  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the police as an official societal, agency of social control. Provides understanding, of the role of the, police in reducing and promoting crime. Surveys, the organization of police departments, as well as, the, recruitment and socialization of police officers., This course can be fulfilled by approved criminal, justice training, certification and/or work experience. Approval, required from department and Registrar.

CJS 225H  Law Enforcement Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the course professor. Law enforcementfocuses, (Honors) on the police as an official societal, agencyof social control. Provides understanding of, the role of the police in reducing and, promoting crime. Surveys the organization of, police departments, as well as the, recruitment and socialization of police officers.

CJS 230  Introduction to Corrections  (3 Credits)  

Examines various attempts to control crime and, delinquency by diverting the potential and actual, offender into, law abiding activities. Provides a better, understanding of contemporary correctional, activities in the United, States through historical and cross cultural, information about formal and informal legal and, extra-legal and, institutional and community based programs. This, course can be fulfilled by approved criminal, justice training, certification and/or work experience. Approval, required from department and Registrar.

CJS 230H  Honors Introduction to Corrections  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course andwill, require additional coursework as assigned by the, course professor. Introduction to correction, (Honors) examines various attempts to control, crime and delinquencyby diverting the potential, and actual offender into law abiding, activities. Provides a better understanding of, contemporary correctional activities in the, United States through historical and, cross-cultural information about formal and, informal, legal and extra-legal and institutional and, community-based programs.

CJS 310  Criminology  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the scientific study of criminal behavior in contemporary industrial urban societies. Systematic attention is given to social, economic, and cultural factors associated with the causes of crime, prevention and control of crimes and treatment of criminals. Presents a systematic analysis of classical theories, innovative strategies, and empirical studies.

Prerequisites: Take CJS-200.

CJS 310H  Criminology Honors  (3 Credits)  

This course is designated as honors course and, will require additional coursework as assigned by, the, course professor. Criminology (Honors) focuses on, the scientific study of criminal behaviorin, contemporary industrial urban societies., Systematic attention is given to social, economic,, and cultural factors associated with the causes of, crime, prevention and control of crimes, and treatmentof criminals. Presents a systematic, analysis of classical theories, innovative, strategies and empirical studies.

Prerequisites: Take CJS-200.

CJS 313  American Ct Systems Honors  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the operation of the judicial court system with emphasis on the police, agents of the FBI, the Treasury Department, and other agencies, the prosecutor, the courts, and institutions, special treatment programs, and probation and parole offices. Analysis of problems in the administration of justice, such as overcrowding, delays, discrimination, and the role of negotiations in the sentencing process.

CJS 313H  American Ct Systems Honors  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the operation of the judicial court system with emphasis on the police, agents of the FBI, the Treasury Department, and other agencies, the prosecutor, the courts, and institutions, special treatment programs, and probation and parole offices. Analysis of problems in the administration of justice, such as overcrowding, delays, discrimination, and the role of negotiations in the sentencing process.

CJS 315  Sociology of Drug Usage  (3 Credits)  

Examines facts and theories of drug usage in different cultures, focuses primary attention on contemporary U.S. Includes medical aspects of different kinds of drugs and psychological effects, legal aspects of the origins of criminal drug laws and the consequences of drug use; epidemiological aspects of the sociopsychological factors as to why persons use and abuse drugs; and control aspects including prevention and rehabilitation programs.

CJS 340  Cybercrime  (3 Credits)  

Introduces students to the criminal justice aspects of cybersecurity. Examines theoretical frameworks and methods of investigation. This 300-level Cybercrime course offers students studying criminal justice an understanding of the new frontier in which cyber-victims and cyber-perpetrators exist.

CJS 401  Environmental Crime & Justice  (3 Credits)  

This course analyzes the impact of environmental, crimes. The role of the criminal justice system in, addressing environmental infractions is , outlined. A sociological understanding of crime is, used to understand these inequities.

CJS 402  Women in the Criminal Justice System  (3 Credits)  

This course provides a critical analysis of women, in the criminal justice system. A sociological, frame provides the context for examining the , issue of gender inequality as it relates to the, concept of justice for women in the criminal, justice system.

CJS 492  Topics in Criminal Justice  (3 Credits)  

Examines the gender differences in criminal behavior, victimization, and criminal justice processing, emphasizing the unique experiences of racial minorities in these areas.

CJS 492L  Special Topic: Women Crim Just System  (3 Credits)  

Research development activities for graduate students.

CJS 492M  Special Topic: Environ Crime & Justice  (3 Credits)  

Provides a critical analysis of environmental crime and justice. A sociological understanding of crime provides the context for examining the issues of environmental equity and implications for the criminal justice system.