MHI 610 Electronic Health Records (3 Credits)
The course focuses on the electronic health record, and interoperability. Students will gain knowledge, and understanding of the electronic health record, as a tool to promote better health outcomes for, all citizens. The course will provide hands-on, learning experiences through online software, systems. Students will acquire skills through real, world examples in the interoperability of systems.
MHI 620 Population Health Analytics (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the use of health data to, support population health initiatives. Students, will gain knowledge and skills in the extraction,, preparation, analysis, and presentation of data, with the goal of discovering useful information to, solve healthcare problems and make better, decisions.
MHI 630 Health Data Management (3 Credits)
Students will learn how to translate health data, management theory into practice. The major, emphasis will be on skill-building to perform, day-to-day operational tasks in health data, management. This course will cover data content, structure and standards; information protection,, such as access, disclosure, archival, privacy and, security; informatics; analytics; and data,, storage.
MHI 650 Health Informatics Internship (6 Credits)
Students will be exposed to the field of health, informatics and engaged in real-world hands-on, learning at healthcare organizations.
MHI 690 Health Equity and Health Informatics (3 Credits)
This course examines the social context of health, equity in the United States to develop an, understanding of the social determinants of, health. The course explores the impact of health, informatics on health equity. Various community, resources for serving vulnerable populations are, addressed.
MHI 699 Emergency Response/Health Informatics (3 Credits)
This course examines the role of health, informatics in emergency preparedness and, response. Emphasis is placed on how health, informatics could influence communication and, evidence-based decision-making. The special needs, of vulnerable populations in emergency and crisis, situations are addressed.