2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Minor in Africana Studies

The Minor in Africana Studies offered by the Department of History and Interdisciplinary Studies provides students with 18 multi-disciplinary credit hours in courses across the curriculum that explore the vast field of African Studies.

Required Course:

INT 290Principles of Africana Studies3
Total Credits3

Determined Elective Courses:

HIS 335African American History3
or HIS 336 African American History Since 1865
HIS 370Early African History/Cultures to 16003
or HIS 371 African History/Cultures 1600-PRESENT
Any upper level GEO course3
Geography of Atlantic World Slavery
Cultural Geography
Total Credits9

Free Electives (Any two courses):

Select any two courses from the following:6
African American Literature
African American Music
African/African-American Art
Contemporary Globalization
African Diaspora History and Culture
Race/Gender in Cuba/Latin America
Special Topics: Black Lives Matter
Politics of African Nations
Geography of Africa
Caribbean Geography
Racial & Ethnic Minorities
Psychology of the African American
Total Credits6

Other courses may be included if they examine the African or African American experience by approval of the department chair.