2024-2025 Academic Catalog


Psychology Courses

PSY 210  Introduction to Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Emphasis on theoretical approaches, concepts, principles, and research findings. Overview of selected areas that provide the foundation for further study in psychology. Topics include critical thinking, neuroscience, nature/nurture, consciousness, motivation, work stress and health, and psychological disorders.

PSY 210H  Honors Intro to Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Emphasis on theoretical approaches, concepts, principles, and research findings. Overview of selected areas in [psychology. Topics include critical thinking, neuroscience, nature/nurture, consciousness, motivate, work, stress and health, and psychological disorders.

PSY 211  Basic Principles of Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Overview of selected topics in psychology as a continued introduction to psychology begun in PSY 210. Emphasizes theoretical approaches, concepts, principles, and research findings. Topics include sensation, perception, learning, memory thinking, language, intelligence, personality, therapy, and social psychology.

Prerequisites: TAKE PSY-210.

PSY 211H  Honors Basic Principles of Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Overview of selected topics in psychology as a continued introduction to psychology begun in PSY210. Emphasizes theoretical approaches, concepts, principles, and research findings. Topics include sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, intelligence, personality, therapy, and social psychology.

PSY 220  Child Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Study of the physical growth and the psychological development of the child, emphasis on the significance of physical, social, cognitive, personality, and language development in the early years.

PSY 225  Adolescent Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Study of adolescents' physical growth, psychological development, and behavior. Emphasis on the major determinants of adolescent development and behavior, the theoretical approaches, concepts, principles, and research findings about adolescence and their applications in real-life situations.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210.

PSY 228  Developmental Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Comprehensive study of the psychological development of the individual, including linguistic, social personality, and cognitive aspects of development from conception through late adulthood.

PSY 228H  Honors Developmental Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Comprehensive study of the psychological development of the individual, including linguistic, social personality, and cognitive aspects of development from conception through late adulthood.

PSY 230  Educational Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the psychological principles relevant to the processes of education and the theory of educational institutions.

PSY 250  Social Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Study of the influence of social factors on behavior of individuals and small groups. Emphasis on interpersonal behavior. Exploration of theories concerning social interaction, social influence, aggression, prejudice and attitude change, and socialization.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210.

PSY 270  Psychological Statistics  (3 Credits)  

Study of the basic principles and techniques employed in descriptive and inferential statistics, and the fundamental laws of probability. Emphasis on techniques of summarizing and standardizing data; correlation and regression; sampling distribution; analysis of variance; hypotheses testing using parametric and nonparametric tests, and probability.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-211. Take MTH-103.

PSY 280  Abnormal Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the various descriptions and classifications of psychopathology and theories of the origin of mental disorders, including different approaches to the treatment of abnormal behavior.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-210H.

PSY 281  Writing in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Writing in Psychology, provides the basic tenants of effective writing in Psychology to include effective implementation of APA style, as well as the development of sound general writing skills.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-360.

PSY 311  Educational Tests and Measurements  (3 Credits)  

Study of the general field of tests and measurements, including the application of statistics. Introduction to factors involved in the selection and administration of group tests of achievement, aptitude, mental ability, and personality.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-211.

PSY 312  Behavior Analysis  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the concepts involved in behavioral change and in the planning of effective intervention strategies. Focuses on various methods of observing and measuring behavior with emphasis on behavioral task analysis.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210.

PSY 313  Behavior Management  (3 Credits)  

Study of learning and behavioral programs. Emphasis on learning theory applications including contingency contracting, token economies, modeling, and similar techniques.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-312.

PSY 322  Psychology of Exceptional Children  (3 Credits)  

Study of the unique and typically abnormal psychosocial characteristics and stresses encountered by the handicapped child. Analysis of a child's behavior responses and personality development, ranging from normal adjustment mechanisms to the most serious pathological conditions.

PSY 331  Personality  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the nature of personality, its development, and its functioning. Examination of classical and contemporary theories and data.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210.

PSY 340  Psychology of the African American  (3 Credits)  

Examination of the African American person with a focus on the unique historical and current social influences on African American personality development and functioning.

PSY 340H  Honors Psychology of African Americans  (3 Credits)  

Examination of the African American person with a focus on the unique historical and current social influences on African American personality development and functioning.

PSY 360  Experimental Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the application of experimental methods and techniques to psychological problems. Emphasis on experimental design, data collection and analysis, and fundamentals of report writing.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-211. Take PSY-270.

PSY 360H  Honors Experimental Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Introduction to the application of experimental methods and techniques to psychological problems. Emphasis on experimental design, data collection and analysis, and fundamentals of report writing. (3-hour lecture/1 hour lab.)

PSY 370  Principles of Cyberpsychology  (3 Credits)  

This course provides a broad overview of the emerging field of cyberpsychology. Topics surveyed are related to the fundamental areas of introductory psychology but applied from the perspective of their application to the current digital landscape of the globally connected world. Specifically, examination of how current technologies influence human behavior, decision making, communication, mental health and expression of personality will be considered.

PSY 373  History & Systems of Cyberpsychology  (3 Credits)  

This course will survey the history of cyberpsychology through present day with a focus on the various applications of the discipline over time. Students will examine the changing role of technology over time. The influence of culture on the trends and usage of technology, as well as the various ways digital technologies have evolved to become pervasive fixtures in the everyday lives of most people around the world.

PSY 381  Topics in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Supervised projects selected to suit the needs of the individual student.

PSY 381A  Writing in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Writing in Psychology, provides the basic tenants of effective writing in Psychology to include effective implementation of APA style, as well as the development of sound general writing skills.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-360.

PSY 381B  Counseling Techniques  (3 Credits)  

This course provides an overview of the major counseling theories and practical applications of various therapeutic techniques.

PSY 381C  Human Sexuality  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the physical, intrapsychic, and interpersonal aspects of sexuality.

PSY 381D  Psychology of the Leader  (3 Credits)  

Explores various leadership theories, styles, models, topics, and best practices. This course provides an opportunity for students to learn and discuss leadership theories and to develop a personal understanding of leadership. The essential knowledge, skills, and abilities of effective leaders are examined, such as managing conflict, facilitating communication, leading groups, and teams.

PSY 381F  Careers in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

This course will provide psychology majors with information and skills that will help students select and pursue a career in psychology or a related field. This course will focus on the critical skills and experiences required for entry into the workforc

PSY 381M  Mindfulness  (3 Credits)  

Provides a comprehensive introduction to the psychological construct of mindfulness and to various mindfulness techniques.

PSY 381P  Positive Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Focuses on the science of happiness and human strength. Provides an overview of the major theories and research in this area.

PSY 381R  Psychology of Religion  (3 Credits)  

This course is an introduction to the scientific study of psychological processes involved in seeing something as special, set apart, and sacred. There will be emphasis on how religion can be studied as an explanation for certain events, such as why people think, behave, or feel the way they do.

PSY 381S  Sport Psychology  (3 Credits)  

This writing intensive course will cover the, topics of the History and Development , of Sport Psychology, Sport Psychology Theories,, Diagnoses and Treatment , Interventions in Sport Psychology, and future, trends and direction of Sport , Psychology.

PSY 381T  Military Psychology  (3 Credits)  

This writing intensive course will cover the, topics of Military Culture, PTSD/TBI, , the Military Family, Transitions of deployment and, retirement in the Military, and , Diagnoses and Treatment Interventions in Military, Psychology.

PSY 390  Fundamentals of Learning  (3 Credits)  

Survey of basic processes and principles of learning, as well as theoretical accounts of these processes. Examination of research findings from both human and animal subjects.

Prerequisites: Take psy-210.

PSY 391  Readings in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Directed readings and supervised independent study of contemporary issues. Comprehensive coverage of a subject from assigned materials required.

PSY 391A  The Psychology of Women  (3 Credits)  

The purpose of this course is to examine the lives, of girls and women. We will include topics, such, as gender stereotypes, the development of gender, roles, gender comparisons, women and work, love, relationships, sexuality, women's physical, and, mental health, violence against women, and women, in later adulthood. Students who take this course, should acquire a better understanding about girls,, women, and gender in North America.

PSY 391B  Health Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Examination of selected topics in the area of, health psychology. Health, illness, and medicine, are studied from psychological and cultural, perspectives emphasizing theoretical approaches,, concepts, and research findings within the field, of health psychology.

PSY 391D  The Psychology of Racism  (3 Credits)  

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the psychological impact of racism in the United States. Through the use of writing and discussion, students will explore the impact of racism for Whites and people of color.

PSY 391G  The Psychology of Marriage  (3 Credits)  

This course is a review of theory and research pertaining to the psychological processes of intimate relationships and marriage. The course addresses interpersonal attraction, sexual behavior, love, ways of dating, cohabitation and divorce.

PSY 391M  Masculinity  (3 Credits)  

This course examines the diverse psychological, cultural, relational, and spiritual experiences of males that identify as Black, African, African American, and/or Caribbean (i.e., of the African Diaspora) within the North American/United States context.

PSY 392  Seminar in Community Resources  (1 Credits)  

Orientation to the activity of the mental health, facility and other workplaces in Psychology., Agency representatives will serve as guest, lecturers and students will also gather, information about potential practicum placements., Lectures, presentations, readings, and discussions, are formats for this seminar.

PSY 397  Research in Psychology  (1-3 Credits)  

Supervised independent research projects aimed at answering empirical questions. Also, intimately involves the student in the conceptualization, design, implementation, and analysis and interpretation of empirical questions and research findings.

PSY 410  Psychology of Adjustment  (3 Credits)  

Study of the multiple aspects of adjustment and mental health emphasizing the promotion of good adjustment and the prevention and treatment of maladjustment. Analysis of reactions to stress and effective means of coping with stress, emotional control, and positive striving.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-280.

PSY 430  Clinical Methods in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Examination of clinical procedures in psychological evaluation and treatment. Introduction to the uses of psychological tests in making clinical judgments and an overview of the various theoretical treatment methods such as individual, group, family, and community approaches.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-280. Take PSY-331.

PSY 430H  Honors Clinical Methods in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Examination of clinical procedures in psychological evaluation and treatment. Introduction to the uses of psychological tests in making clinical judgments and an overview of the various theoretical treatment methods, such as individual, group, family, and community approaches.

PSY 450  Systems in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Critical survey of systems and theories in, psychology, along with a broad overview of the, historical and contemporary issues relevant to the, study of psychology.

PSY 492  Psychology Seminar  (3 Credits)  

Presentation of recent experimental and, theoretical advances in selected areas of, psychology. Class projects prepared and presented, in a seminar format.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-211. Take PSY-270. Take PSY-360. Take, PSY-381A.

PSY 492H  Honors Psychology Seminar  (3 Credits)  

Presentation of recent experimental and theoretical advances in selected areas of psychology. Class projects prepared and presented in a seminar format.

PSY 495  Practicum in Psychology  (3-6 Credits)  

Supervised field experience in an applied setting, i.e., a mental health agency or other appropriate institution.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-210. Take PSY-211. Take PSY-270. Take PSY-360. Take, PSY-381A. Take PSY-392.

PSY 495H  Honors Practicum in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Supervised field experience in an applied setting, i.e., a mental health agency or other appropriate institution.

PSY 496  Practicum in Psychology  (3 Credits)  

Supervised field experience in an applied setting, i.e., a mental health agency or other appropriate institution.

Prerequisites: Take PSY-495.

Karen Y. Holmes, Ph.D., Professor

Karen L. Boyd, Psy.D., Instructor

Scott Debb, Ed.D., Professor

Joy Cooley-Doles, Psy.D., Professor

Leah  Floyd, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Andrew Franklin, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Erica Russell, Ph.D., Associate Professor