Summary of Graduation Requirements
Subject Area | Credits |
General Education Core | 40 |
Major Requirements | 38 |
Electives | 8 |
Other Requirements | 34 |
Total Credit Hours | 120 |
First Year | Credits | |
BIO 100 | Biological Science | 3 |
BIO 100L | Biological Science Lab | 1 |
CSC 150 | Computer Literacy | 3 |
ENG 101 | College English I | 3 |
ENG 102 | College English II | 3 |
HED 100 | Personal and Community Health | 2 |
HIS 100 | History of World Societies I | 3 |
HIS 103 | United States History Since 1865 | 3 |
MTH 103 | Mathematics in General Education | 3 |
MTH 102 or MTH 105 | Essentials of Algebra or Intermediate Algebra | 3 |
PED 100 | Fundametals of Fitness for Life | 1 |
SCI 101 | Physical Science for Non-Science Majors | 3 |
SEM 101 & SEM 102 | Spartan Seminar 101 and Spartan Seminar 102 | 2 |
Credits | 33 | |
Second Year | ||
EDU 201 | Foundations of Education | 3 |
ECE 110 | Introduction to the Profession | 2 |
ENG 203 | Advanced Communication Skills | 3 |
HUM 210 | Humanties | 3 |
HIS 103 | United States History Since 1865 | 3 |
PSY 210 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
PSY 228 | Developmental Psychology | 3 |
EED 274 | Study of Young Children | 3 |
ENG 285 | Public Speaking | 3 |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
African-American Literature, 1940-PRESENT | ||
African/Afro-American Art | ||
African-American Music | ||
SEM 201 | Spartan Seminar 201 | 1 |
Credits | 30 | |
Third Year | ||
ECE 375 | Children's Drama | 3 |
ECS 300 | Introduction to Elementary Special Education | 3 |
ECE 224 | Children's Literature for Ece | 3 |
SOC 237 | Racial & Ethnic Minorities | 3 |
ECE 362 | Mth/Mat of Instr in Math for Young | 3 |
EED 233 | Critical Thinking and Assessment Skills | 3 |
ECE 370 | Analyz Behav Chldr | 3 |
SWK 327 | Interviewing Techniques | 3 |
XXX XXX | Electives | 8 |
Credits | 32 | |
Fourth Year | ||
INT 350 | Trends and Issues in Diverse Population | 3 |
EED 450 | Teaching Literacy in the Elementary School | 3 |
ECE 420 | Parent Education | 3 |
ECE 460 | Admn of Child & Family Programs | 3 |
ECE 495 | Practicum (Child Care Settings) | 9 |
Credits | 21 | |
Total Credits | 116 |
Students must make a grade of "C" or better in all courses.