2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Business - Finance, Concentration

Summary of Graduation Requirements

Subject Area Credits
General Education Core 40
Business Core 48
Business Electives 12
Major Requirements 15
Other Requirements 6
Total Credit Hours 121


Plan of Study Grid
First YearCredits
SEM 101
SEM 102
Spartan Seminar 101
and Spartan Seminar 102
BUS 175 Introduction to Business & Entrepreneurship 3
BIO 100 Biological Science 3
SCI 101 Physical Science for Non-Science Majors 3
XXX XXXSelect one Science Lab Elective (Note A) 1
ENG 101 College English I 3
ENG 102 College English II 3
HED 100 Personal and Community Health 2
BUS 284 Advanced Microcomputing 3
MTH 131 Pre-Calculus for Business Majors 3
MTH 132 Calculus for Business Majors 3
Select one of the following: 1
Fundametals of Fitness for Life
Modified Physical Education
Modified PED
Second Year
SEM 201 Spartan Seminar 201 1
ACC 201 Elementary Accounting I 3
ACC 202 Elem Accounting II 3
BUS 281 Legal Environment for Business 3
BUS 270 Business Statistics 3
ECN 211 Principles of Econ 3
ECN 212 Principles of Econ 3
ENG 210 Practical English Grammar 3
PSY 210 Introduction to Psychology 3
ENG 285 Public Speaking 3
XXX XXXSelect one Humanities Elective (Note B) 3
Third Year
BUS 330 Business Communication 3
BUS 376 Statistics & Quantitative Methods 3
BUS 362 Investments 3
BUS 387 Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3
BUS 360 Corporate Finance 3
BUS 375 Management Information Syst & E-Commerce 3
BUS 365 Organizational Behavior & Theory 3
BUS 366 Principles of Marketing 3
BUS 391 Introduction to Data Analytics & Big Data 3
XXX XXXGlobal/Cultural & Language Elective (See Note B) 3
Fourth Year
BUS 363 Financial Institutions 3
BUS 488 International Finance 3
BUS 474 Intermediate Financial Management 3
BUS 499 Cases in Financial Management 3
BUS 476 Operations Management 3
BUS 478 Strategic Management 3
BUS XXX Business Elective (See Note C) 12
 Total Credits121

List of Notes for Business Degree Programs

Note A

A student needs to take one (1) of the following laboratory courses:

BIO 100LBiological Science Lab1
SCI 101LPhysical Science Laboratory1

Note B

Global/Cultural and Language Electives (6 hours)

A student will choose two (2) courses from the list below. At least one of these must be a non-language course.

ENG 207Introduction to World Literature3
ENG 383African American Literature3
FIA 201Basic Art Appreciation3
GEO 141World Regional Geography3
GEO 336Political Geography3
GEO 337Geography of Africa3
HIS 335African American History3
HIS 336African American History Since 18653
HIS 361Readings in Latin American History3
HIS 365Caribbean History3
HIS 370Early African History/Cultures to 16003
HIS 371African History/Cultures 1600-PRESENT3
HIS 446Colonial Latin American3
HIS 448Slavery in the Atlantic Basin3
HUM 210Humanities3
HUM 211Humanities3
MUS 301Music Appreciation3
MUS 234African American Music3
POS 315African American Politics3
POS 323Comparative Government3
POS 360International Relations,International RelationsInternational Relations3
POS 463Politics of African Nations3
POS 468Survey Contemporary Governments of Asia3
PSY 340Psychology of the African American3
SOC 101Introduction to the Social Sciences3
SOC 237Racial & Ethnic Minorities3
SOC 325Sociology of Business/Internationalism3
FRN 111/112Elementary French I3
SPN 111/112Elementary Spanish I3

Note C

A student in the Accountancy major needs to take one (3 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective course. 

ACC 316Federal Income Tax II3
BUS 396Intro to Blockchain: Foundations3
BUS 423Decision Support & Data Mining3
BUS 363Financial Institutions3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 431Information Systems Analysis and Design3

While a student in the Business concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following courses towards Business Electives.

ACC 301Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC 315Federal Income Tax I3
BUS 350The Ethics of Management3
BUS 363Financial Institutions3
BUS 367Consumer Behavior3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 396Intro to Blockchain: Foundations3
BUS 413Principles of Retailing3
BUS 415International Management3
BUS 431Information Systems Analysis and Design3
BUS 465Small Business Management3
BUS 477Franchising3
THM 351Event Planning and Management3
THM 381Facilities Layout & Design3

Note D

A student in the Entrepreneurship concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective courses.

ACC 330Accounting Systems3
BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 493Special Topics in Business3
BUS 362Investments3
BUS 363Financial Institutions3
BUS 368Human Resources Management3
BUS 420Organizational Change & Development3
BUS 367Consumer Behavior3
BUS 413Principles of Retailing3
BUS 390Business Database Management3

Note E

A student in the Finance concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective courses.

ACC 301Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC 315Federal Income Tax I3
ACC 330Accounting Systems3
BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 493Special Topics in Business3
BUS 417International Business3
BUS 469Entrepreneurship-In-Residence3
BUS 476Operations Management3
BUS 395Intro to Personal Financial Planning3
BUS 368Human Resources Management3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 497Marketing Research3

Note F

A student in the Management concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective courses.

BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 493Special Topics in Business3
BUS 465Small Business Management3
BUS 469Entrepreneurship-In-Residence3
BUS 477Franchising3
BUS 370Total Quality Management3
BUS 435Compensation3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 421Web Application Development E-Business3
BUS 423Decision Support & Data Mining3
BUS 412Marketing Management3
BUS 413Principles of Retailing3
BUS 497Marketing Research3

Note G

A student in the Management Information Systems concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective courses.

ACC 301Intermediate Accounting I3
ACC 302Intermediate Accounting II3
ACC 330Accounting Systems3
BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 493Special Topics in Business3
BUS 465Small Business Management3
BUS 469Entrepreneurship-In-Residence3
BUS 362Investments3
BUS 368Human Resources Management3
BUS 415International Management3
BUS 374Programming in Visual Basic3
BUS 387Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
BUS 497Marketing Research3

Note H

A student in the Marketing concentration needs to take four (12 credit hours) of the following as Business Elective courses.

BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 493Special Topics in Business3
BUS 465Small Business Management3
BUS 469Entrepreneurship-In-Residence3
BUS 477Franchising3
BUS 362Investments3
BUS 363Financial Institutions3
BUS 368Human Resources Management3
BUS 410Leadership & Diversity in Management3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 411Salesmanship3
BUS 414Advertising3

Note P

A student needs to take two of the following courses toward Tourism and Hospitality Management Electives (6 credits).

THM 381Facilities Layout & Design3
THM 401Club and Resort Management3
THM 481Hospitality Property Management3
THM 351Event Planning and Management3
THM 402Management by Menu3

Note Q

A student needs to take one of the following courses towards Hospitality Franchising Elective (3 credits).

BUS 387Introduction to Entrepreneurship3
BUS 465Small Business Management3
BUS 477Franchising3
THM 494Restaurant Franchising3

Note R

A student needs to take one of the following courses towards a work experience elective in the Hospitality Industry (3 credit hours).

THM 391Internship in Hospitality3
BUS 300Internship3
BUS 400Independent Study3
BUS 413Principles of Retailing3
BUS 412Marketing Management3
BUS 367Consumer Behavior3

Note S

BUS 417International Business3
BUS 415International Management3
BUS 416International Marketing3
SOC 325Sociology of Business/Internationalism3
BUS 390Business Database Management3
BUS 375Management Information Systems-Ecommerce3